- Berths are not for commercial use, unless prior permission is given from the marina.
- The Marina Office must be notified before the nominated vessel occupying a berth changes (for example, if you buy a new boat).
- Any subletting of a berth must be agreed upon by Westhaven.
- All berth occupiers' protection and indemnity insurance (to cover any third-party loss) must be up-to-date, with evidence provided to the office.
- Berth occupiers are responsible for damage to any marina property.
- Berth occupiers are responsible for ensuring that their passengers and invitees comply with the Berth Rental Terms and Conditions.
- All berth occupiers must keep their vessels in good, serviceable condition.
- All electrical connections must comply with all relevant by-laws, rules, regulations and legislation.
- Staying for more than one night in a week is considered living onboard. You may only live onboard with our written permission (which you must obtain in advance) and additional terms and conditions, as well as a surcharge which may apply. Westhaven has limited berths for permanent liveaboards. Please enquire with the office.
- Staying overnight on any vessel moored on a pile mooring or parked in a trailer park is not permitted.
- Firehoses must only be used for fighting fires.
- Berth occupiers are not permitted to make any alterations or additions to their berth without our prior approval.
For the full Marina rules see here
Excessive noise – of any kind – is inconsiderate to other users of the Marina. Please secure all ropes, rigging and sails on vessels so that they don’t create noise.
Boat owners must moor their vessel at their berth and manoeuvre so as to avoid creating a danger, obstacle or inconvenience to other users, or obstructing public rights of navigation.
Westhaven Marina is a no wake zone. Your wake can stop others from enjoying the use of their boat – whether dining, doing maintenance, or relaxing. Wakes also contribute to maintenance issues. Please don’t be offended if our team asks you to slow down. The speed limit in the Marina is 5 knots – but the slower you go, the better.
Please closely supervise all children and young people at all times, as the Marina can be a hazardous place.
Please keep your pets under control and clean up after them. We may require you to remove a pet from the Marina if we consider that it is causing any issues.
All space is shared space, so please don’t store your gear and equipment on the pier or on your berth finger, or otherwise in the Marina grounds.
Alcohol can be consumed in the Marina on private vessels or licensed premises only. Please note that Auckland Council has imposed an alcohol ban which applies to the Marina area, pursuant to section 147 of the Local Government Act 2002.
All berth owners must ensure that no unlawful activities are conducted from or on their vessel, or otherwise on the Marina grounds.
Letter drops are not permitted in Westhaven. Please do not place any promotional material anywhere in the Marina, including (but not limited to) on vessels or berths. If you wish to display any advertising within the Marina, please contact the Marina Office.
Please note that commercial advertising flags are not permitted on berths, unless they are displayed immediately prior to or immediately after an event or on designated sales piers.