Westhaven Marina has parking available, this is managed by our online parking portal. This online parking system eliminated the need for paper permits, which were easily lost and damaged.
This system ensures that all parking permits are registered and monitored electronically using licence plate recognition, and can be managed online by the permit holder. Safe, efficient and easy.
If you are a Westhaven Marina member and do not have accessing to your parking account please contact us.
Please be aware that the permits do not entitle you to use any parking at Westhaven for non-Marina related activities, including parking while working in or visiting areas outside the Westhaven boat harbour area, or for storage of a vehicle unrelated to Marina activities.
To access the online parking permit system, click here: https://permits.westhaven.co.nz
To allow guests to park on weekdays within Westhaven, you can self-manage guest permits online through the portal, and do not need to contact the marine office for guests parking authorisation.
There is no time restrictions for Public spaces (White) during weekends and public holidays.
Please remember that berth-holders are responsible for their guests, and must ensure they comply with Westhaven Marina parking terms and conditions.
To register a guest via the online parking permit system, click here: https://permits.westhaven.co.nz
All users who don't have permits, including guests of berth holders and the general public, can park in the white parking spaces, but please check the signage carefully first and observe the time restrictions. If you don’t have a permit, please do not park in the yellow spaces as enforcement applies and you may receive a ticket or be towed.
Parking at Z pier
Parking at Z pier is pay by plate, and is managed by the INUGO ap, or payment by credit card at the machine on site. To download the INUGO ap for Z pier parking go here for google play OR go here for apple store
if you have any issues with parking at Z pier please email info@premiumparking.co.nz
To use the boat ramp:
The INUGO ap can be used to operate and pay for the boat ramp as well, and to pay to park your car and boat trailer.
NOTE: Car parking and trailer boat parking are available at Z pier on a short-term basis, subject to availability.