Fire is any marina’s biggest risk, and any fire, no matter how small, must be taken seriously.
- Operate any alarm on the pier (take a moment today to find the one closest to your boat)
- Warn others on the pier of the danger - shout!
- Call 111 and advise the location
- Exit to the shore or seaward end of the pier
- Call us on 0800 MARINAS from your cell phone or VHF Channel 13.
Remember, personal safety is the priority. Get off the pier, and tell others to do the same.
Lighting of fires, including fireworks and flares, is strictly prohibited within the Marina. If an open flame is required for repairs or maintenance, then you must have a hot works permit from the HarbourMaster.
In the event of a medical emergency Dial 111 and request an ambulance. Give the operator the location of the injured person and details of the injury. Raise the alarm with the Marina office as soon as practicable; they will assist with directing emergency services and can be on site with an emergency first aid kit.
There is an AED Automated External Defibrillator at both Marina Office Buildings, and one at the Main gate to Z pier. The 111 operators will give you the code to access the Z pier defibrillator.
Should an oil spill happen, please contact the Marina Crew Dockmasters (0800 MARINAS) immediately. We are trained to deal with this type of emergency.