Ngā Pātai Auau
Here are some of our commonly asked questions.
There are yellow parking spaces and white parking spaces at Westhaven Marina.
Yellow spaces are reserved for berth holders who have parking permits. These spaces are managed by an online portal, where all parking permits are registered and monitored using licence plate recognition technology. Parking permits can be managed online by the permit holder. To access the online parking permit system, please go to: permits.westhaven.co.nz. If you don’t have a permit, please do not park in the yellow spaces as enforcement applies and you may receive a ticket.
White parking spaces can be used by anyone without a permit, including guests of berth holders and the general public. These parking spaces are time restricted (120 minutes), so please check the signage carefully if you park in a white space.
Parking at Z pier is pay-by-plate and is managed by the INUGO app, or payment by credit card at the machine on site.
For more information about parking, please go to: www.westhaven.co.nz/information/parking/
Members of Westhaven Marina’s dockmaster team are on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to this, Eke Panuku has implemented additional security measures in Westhaven, including:
• Two security guards carry out patrols across Westhaven’s public spaces seven nights a week (in collaboration with our dockmaster team)
• Māori Wardens carry out patrols of Westhaven Marina on Friday and Saturday nights
• A mobile security vehicle patrols the carparks and public roadways seven nights a week.
There is also a CCTV project underway across Eke Panuku managed waterfront areas, which involves:
• Upgrading existing CCTV cameras where required
• The installation of an additional 15 CCTV cameras in Westhaven, including licence plate recognition cameras at the marina’s entrance/exit points
• Migration of the existing system onto a new platform that allows a more joined up monitoring approach across the waterfront.
Security is an ongoing partnership with the marina community, and we acknowledge the diligence of marina users in proactively reporting any issues. If you notice anything suspicious or have any security concerns whatsoever, please continue to let us know as soon as possible.
We have revised our pricing structure to ensure that 10m berths are affordable. Addressing the needs of entry level boaties is an important component of the Westhaven Plan.
We currently have 12m, 14m and 24m berths available for rental. Our 16m, 18m and 20m berths are all occupied with a waiting list in place.
As berths become available, we use our wait list to match the appropriate sized, next-in-line vessel to the berth dimension.
Please feel free to approach us if you would like to enquire about berth availability. You may also like to contact Viaduct Marina or Silo Marina to enquire about their berth availability.
No decisions have been made about what happens after the existing berth licences and berth entitlement units expire in 2026 and 2029. At the relevant dates, the historic trust structures that were put in place by Ports of Auckland will end and all reversionary rights (meaning ownership of the marina assets) will revert back to Auckland Council.
Eke Panuku has commenced investigations into future berth occupation options on behalf of Auckland Council. No decisions will be taken lightly, and it will take some time for the various berth occupation/licence restructuring options to be researched and developed.
We anticipate that decisions will be made well ahead of the 2026 and 2029 expiry dates.
Westhaven Marina is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year.
The best way to contact staff after hours is to phone 0800 MARINA (0800 627 462). This number is diverted to our dockmaster mobile phone when the office is closed.
Alternatively, VHF Channel 13 is also monitored 24/7. Our dockmasters always have their VHFs on them while they are on duty.
We are continuously reviewing our facilities and intend to upgrade these to bring them up to a more modern standard. You may have noticed the T pier toilets have recently been refurbished.
If there is ever an issue with cleanliness or a malfunction, please let us know as soon as possible.
Part of our dockmasters' daily shift duties is to ensure there are enough trolleys at each trolley bay, and to check they are clean and in good working order. We recently refurbished some of our trolleys and purchased additional trolleys to meet the demand.
Please remember to return trolleys once you have finished using them. If you notice any issues with our trolleys, please contact the marina staff to report the issue.
Passing out codes has been trialled at Westhaven Marina and this led to security breaches when the codes were shared with members of the public.
We prefer the use of access tags as they can be controlled better and are harder to share widely, meaning better security for the marina and your vessels.
All berth holders receive two access tags. You can purchase additional tags from the Westhaven Marina office for $30 each. These tags allow access on and off your pier, and are registered with us to help maintain the security of all vessels within the marina.
Crew members can visit our office to complete a crew application form (and provide appropriate identification), and will then be able to purchase a tag for $30, giving them access to the piers where the accredited racing vessels are berthed.
If you need an administration service after-hours, our team of Dockmasters can resolve most of your requests, as they have access to all of our systems. Please contact them on 0800 Marina or VHF Channel 13.