We ask that no poisonous, dangerous, offensive substance or thing be discharged in the water and we provide facilities throughout the marina to help with disposal of rubbish, waste oil, and sewage.
Westhaven Marina encourages recycling, and appreciates the efforts you make to sort your rubbish. We have provided suitable bins for you to do this, near the top of each Pier.
The rubbish bins are paid for by berth holders for disposal boat rubbish - not for household rubbish.
A hint for recyclers: Separate your rubbish while you are out on the water. Please place any used paint cans or oil filters into sealed plastic bags, and dispose of them in the rubbish bin. By sorting your recycling carefully, you can help to reduce the annual cost of waste disposal, and be much kinder to the environment too.
Waste oil drums and bins for oil filters are located at the top of Piers B, D, H, M, P, S, T and Z. Oil filters should not be wrapped in plastic bags.
Westhaven Marina is a no-discharge zone. We expect all vessels to be equipped with either a sewage holding tank that can be discharged into a land-based pump-out facility, or a suitable portable sewage holding tank that can be emptied responsibly in correct sewage disposal facilities (please note that sewer pumps are available within the Marina for this purpose).
Westhaven’s sewer pumps have tapered connections suitable for all vessels and are available 24 hours a day. They are self-operated, and detailed instructions are provided at each location.
Discharge of sewage within the Marina (either intentionally or unintentionally) is a very serious issue. Please note that we may take action under your berth rental agreement or your berth licence (as applicable) in response to any breach of these requirements, and in severe circumstances, such action may include termination.