Contractor Induction

Enrolment and registration

Eke Panuku marinas (including Westhaven, Viaduct and Silo marinas – referred to as “the marinas”) requires all contractors to complete a registration process before commencing work at any of the marinas. Only legitimate businesses with sufficient insurance coverage will be permitted to operate within the marinas. Each employee of your business must understand their responsibilities and obligations relating to workplace health and safety and must individually complete the site-specific induction. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a notification from the marina office, after which your access tags and parking portal access will be available.

Information required

To complete the contractor registration process, you must provide:

  • Proof of current Public Liability Insurance (min. $5M)
  • Proof of current Ship Repairers Insurance cover if your work materially alters the fabric of a vessel (min. $5M)

Please have these documents ready to upload below or send them to the marina office via email.

Your full name
Name of company (full legal name)
Your position in company
Phone number
Certificate/s of insurance