Proposed project area
This upgrade is designed to protect people, infrastructure and assets from coastal flooding by constructing a redesigned seawall that effectively dissipates waves. A scheduled upgrade to the seawall along Westhaven's northern reclamation is set to begin in March 2024.

Under the leadership of Eke Panuku, this initiative will address the challenges posed by adverse weather events and king tides, which have resulted in significant inundation in the area. The primary objective of the project is to protect people, infrastructure and assets from coastal flooding by constructing a redesigned seawall that effectively mitigates wave impact.
The project also involves:
- Enhancements to the waterfront area, aimed at creating a more aesthetically pleasing and functional space that complements the existing Westhaven Marina development.
- Implementation of design and ecological initiatives through partnership with mana whenua, including increased planting.
- Improvements to connection with the surrounding environment, particularly for pedestrians.
- Futureproofing of infrastructure and services in the area.
In early March, contractors (John Fillmore Contracting / JFC) will commence on-site setup. As part of their initial preparation, they will relocate three pōhutukawa trees from the seawall upgrade work area. These trees will be carefully transferred to Curran Street for replanting within the future Harbour Bridge Park area under the guidance of a specialist arborist. Subsequently, several replacement pōhutukawa trees will be planted along the seawall as the project advances.
While the project is underway, traffic management will be in place to ensure safety of work crews, pedestrians and vehicles. Traffic and pedestrian access be maintained, however, there will be lane restrictions and pedestrian detours in place at times.
The construction will progress in stages and is expected to be finished by early 2025.

The above images show an artist's impression of completed seawall upgrade project (illustrative only).