Westhaven Newsletter August 2024

Team update

New team members

We were pleased to welcome Michal Kovac to our dockmaster team and Kerri-Anne Thompson to our customer service team recently.

Michal brings a wealth of maritime experience to our team, having served as a croupier on international cruise ships before transitioning into the commercial diving industry, and more recently, working as a dive technician. Outside of work, Michal enjoys recreational diving and spends his free time brewing kombucha when he's not exploring the underwater world.

Kerri-Anne brings extensive knowledge from both the aviation and marine industries to our marina team. Her passion for sailing runs deep, having spent many years sailing internationally with her family and supporting them in competitive yacht racing.

Please feel free to say hello to Michal and Kerri-Anne if you see them around the marina.

In-water survival training

Our team recently completed in-water survival training with Powerboat Training NZ, covering a wide range of topics focused on minimising risk and handling various emergency scenarios.

By gaining a deeper understanding of the potential risks aboard a small vessel, the best safety equipment to carry, how it functions and how to use it properly in case of emergencies, we’re now better equipped to handle unexpected situations. Read More

Customer satisfaction survey – your feedback addressed

In response to your valuable suggestions from our customer satisfaction surveys, we have made significant improvements to our laundry and shower facilities. We’ve upgraded to a cashless payment system and replaced all older machines with brand-new models. Additionally, we've provided folding chairs and laundry baskets as requested by some of you. Read More

Power interruptions at the marina

As with any building, marinas may experience occasional power interruptions due to unforeseeable circumstances. When this occurs, your vessel's onboard protection devices may also trip, preventing power from being restored to your vessel when it comes back on at the pier.

If you have systems on board that rely on a continuous power supply, such as freezers or battery management systems, we strongly recommend checking your vessel regularly or investing in a monitoring and notification device that will alert you if the power goes out.

Construction and maintenance update

Westhaven Seawall Upgrade progress update

The upgrade to the seawall along Westhaven's northern reclamation began in early March under the guidance of Eke Panuku. This project aims to address the challenges posed by adverse weather events and king tides, which have led to significant inundation in the area. Read More

Sustainable environment

Cans for Kai

Waste management can be a challenge for boaties, especially when it comes to separating recyclables from landfill waste. Many boats in our local fleet were built before modern recycling practices were established, and the necessary bins were made available. As a result, it's common to see mixed waste being offloaded as soon as boats reach shore. However, there’s a simple way we can make a difference. Read More

Li-ion Batteries: handle with care

The use of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries has rapidly expanded, powering everything from our cell phones to hand tools, e-bikes and even vehicles. However, as these batteries increase in size and power, so do the risks associated with them. Just like fuel or gas, Li-ion batteries store large amounts of potential energy that require careful management. Read More

Auckland Dragon Boat Association Super Series Regatta Finale at Westhaven Marina

Westhaven Marina came alive on Sunday 11 August, as the Auckland Dragon Boat Association concluded its winter series with the exhilarating finale of the Auckland Super 10 Series. The event saw 14 teams – 11 from Auckland and three from Waikato – gather at the marina for a day of intense competition in ideal weather conditions. Read More

Have your say on the next chapter for Te Ara Tukutuku

Aucklanders are invited to help shape the city’s largest new public space in over a century.

Throughout August, you can share your thoughts on the draft concept designs for Te Ara Tukutuku, a transformative project led by Eke Panuku Development Auckland at Wynyard Point. This initiative aims to turn ten hectares of former industrial land into a thriving public space, with mixed-use developments that reconnect people with the sea and nature. Read More


Wynyard Quarter neighbours' forum – summer programme and area update – 2 October

Join the Eke Panuku Waterfront team for breakfast and learn all about the exciting plans for the upcoming summer at the Wynyard Quarter neighbours' forum on Wednesday 2 October, from 7am to 9am at the Wynyard Pavilion. Read More