Westhaven News - June 2021

Marina Office is Moving

From Monday 14 June the Westhaven Marina operational office will be relocating next door into the Westhaven Marine Village. 

Formally a residential dwelling, the current building was no longer fit for purpose for the operations of the marina. It was too small for the number of staff working there and a dilapidation report found water damage, timber rot, compliance issues as well as the risk of electrical failure and fire risk. 

Contact details for the Westhaven Marina office will remain the same, except the physical address which is now: Unit 2 / 135 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven Marina, Auckland.

Please stop by and say hello, we’d love to show you around. 

International Marina of the Year Runner Up!  

The 2021 Club Marine Marina of the Year Awards were held on the evening of Tuesday 25 May. The night of all nights for marina recognition, Westhaven Marina was named as a runner-up in two award categories.

Find out more

Meet the Dockmaster Team

The Dockmaster team ensures the smooth running of the marina 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (even during lockdowns). The team of 13 consists of a range of expertise, from ex-police officers to sailmakers, and they all have a common interest in making sure that the marina is a safe and enjoyable space for all. Over the next couple of newsletters, we’d like to introduce you to them, so you can get to know the team a little better.

Team Leader - Jayson has plenty of industry experience and was in the Westhaven Marina maintenance team before stepping up to be the logistics team leader. Jayson's calm and methodical approach proves valuable when facing complex situations such as tornados, leopard seals, pandemics, as well as the day to day operations.

Perry, our longest serving Dockmaster at 14 years, has seen a lot of change around the marina in his time. A familiar face to many of our customers his knowledge and memory are a great asset to the team. When he is not walking the docks you may see him playing in a band or driving his mustang!

Keith has been a dockmaster for many years, and with his boating background in the States, coming to Westhaven Marina was a natural move for him. From shoe-shining to sailmaking, Keith has done it all. As well as getting out on the water, Keith also enjoys good food, making Auckland a great place for him to live.

Meet Peter

Peter Relph is an enthusiastic 43-year-old man that doesn’t let anything hold him back. Peter is known for his cheerful disposition and willingness to take part in new and challenging experiences. Peters interests are varied along with his life experiences and he has many hobbies. He is an accomplished ten-pin bowler and holds a first-place accomplishment in the Special Olympics.

He also enjoys jumping on the drum kit and hammering out a solid beat during music sessions with friends (he is currently dipping his toes into electronic music production). Peter takes great pride in progressing his work experience and loves socialising with his colleagues. When Peter found out about the opportunity to work one day a week at Westhaven Marina he jumped at the chance, as he has a passion for boats and the ocean.

Working at Westhaven Marina is something he looks forward to throughout the week. For Peter independence is of great importance, and the experience he gains from working at Westhaven Marina is one of many important steps for his career and life.

AA Pier Update

Construction of AA Pier has now started, and you will see piles and pontoons being installed over the next few weeks. Once the pier is completed, it will be used to berth vessels that are being relocated from S pier, which is scheduled to have repairs made.

Once the relocated vessels are returned to the repaired S pier, the marina office will work through allocating the 20m and 24m berths from the waitlist and contact applicants directly.

Z Pier Works

You will see that an area of the Z Pier carpark has been fenced off whilst the water mains get replaced. We are also taking the opportunity to futureproof with the installation of additional ducting. The project will be staged over the quieter winter months to minimise disruption.

Call for Couldrey Boats

Jenni is researching the boats of boat designer/builder Arnold Francis (Bill) Couldrey for a book, and she is reaching out to as many of the marinas, boatyards, and boat clubs throughout New Zealand as she can,  in the hope that they may know if any of Bill’s boats are moored or stored there.

Bill’s family has provided a list of the 83 boats Bill designed and/or built throughout his working life, which spanned from 1924 to 1975, and includes everything from sailing dinghies to launches and yachts. Unfortunately, many of them are unnamed which has made tracing them difficult.  

Jenni would like to hear from anyone who is a current owner of a Couldrey boat so that their experiences and stories can also be included in this book. If you can help her in any way she would be very grateful.  Jenni can be contacted at jenni@kclass.co.nz or jennimence@gmail.com

Customer Survey Results

Thank you to the 476 customers who responded to our independently conducted annual survey by Kantar. 94% of you reported positive customer satisfaction, scoring the marina 4 or higher out of a 1 - 7 point scale, which was the same percentage result as last year. 

We are really proud of this result, we understand that the last year has been difficult with the number of projects underway within the marina, as well as COVID-19, so we thank you for your patience and support.   

Key findings of the 2021 survey include:
96% of customers are satisfied with Westhaven Marina staff overall (+1%)
95% of customers are satisfied with Westhaven Marina facilities (+3%)
98% of customers are satisfied with Westhaven Marina’s service towards personal safety (-1%)
91% of customers are satisfied with Westhaven Marina’s service towards property safety (-1%)

To those that placed specific written feedback, please be assured that we have read the comments and they do inform our decision making and actions. If there is any further feedback you wish to pass on, please contact us info@westhaven.co.nz 

One key piece of feedback was surrounding pedestrian safety at the new crossing by NZ Marine. These trees have now been removed. 

Over the next few newsletters, we will address and respond to many of the questions concerns raised. For more regular updates you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram @westhavenmarina

Kai Ika Project

It’s a beautiful thing when keen fishermen and a marae work together to feed local communities. Since the inception of the Kai Ika project, they have distributed over 135,000 kgs of fish parts to feed Auckland families. 

Back in 2016, the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland was searching for a sustainable way to deal with all the post-filleting fish parts being wasted by club members. So a head-to-tail solution was created to make people more appreciative of the fish they catch. 

Read More

Biosecurity Reminder

The Biosecurity Regulations changed back in April click here. Please be reminded that hull cleaning is not permitted in the water at Westhaven. Registered divers may use non-abrasive cloth to clean a light slime layer. However, it is now against regulations to remove any marine pests from the hull in the water.

Reo Pākehā





Reo Māori



