Te Ara Tukutuku

Have your say on the next chapter for Te Ara Tukutuku

Aucklanders are invited to help shape the city’s largest new public space in over a century.

Throughout August, you can share your thoughts on the draft concept designs for Te Ara Tukutuku, a transformative project led by Eke Panuku Development Auckland at Wynyard Point. This initiative aims to turn ten hectares of former industrial land into a thriving public space, with mixed-use developments that reconnect people with the sea and nature.

Te Ara Tukutuku, co-designed with Mana Whenua, embraces mātauranga Māori and regenerative design practices. The vision is to create a space that offers nature immersion, coastal activities, and marine interaction, all while celebrating the cultural heritage of Tāmaki Makaurau and fostering community connections.

Last year, Aucklanders shared their aspirations for this space, and now the draft designs are ready for your input. Imagine exploring a coastal ngahere, dipping your toes in Te Waitematā, or learning about indigenous knowledge through hands-on activities. This is a project for all Aucklanders, offering something for everyone, whether it’s scenic lookouts, cultural connections, or simply a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of our city.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this legacy. Visit the Te Ara Tukutuku project page and give online feedback through AK Have Your Say. Together, we can create a space that future generations will cherish.