Li-ion Batteries: handle with care

The use of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries has rapidly expanded, powering everything from our cell phones to hand tools, e-bikes and even vehicles. However, as these batteries increase in size and power, so do the risks associated with them. Just like fuel or gas, Li-ion batteries store large amounts of potential energy that require careful management.

There are various types of Li-ion batteries, each with different compounds and characteristics affecting their stability and thermal properties. If you're considering upgrading from lead-acid batteries to Li-ion, it's crucial to choose a recognized brand from a reputable supplier. Please seek expert advice to properly plan and design your upgraded system, ideally from a Design Approver Electrical (DAE).

For portable electronic batteries (such as those in outboards, e-bikes and even cell phones), never leave them charging unattended or place them on a soft surface while charging.

For more detailed information, visit: Maritime New Zealand's guide on Li-ion batteries.