Cans for Kai

Waste management can be a challenge for boaties, especially when it comes to separating recyclables from landfill waste. Many boats in our local fleet were built before modern recycling practices were established, and the necessary bins were made available. As a result, it's common to see mixed waste being offloaded as soon as boats reach shore. However, there’s a simple way we can make a difference:

LegaSea’s Kai Ika Project, in partnership with Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae, Westhaven Marina and the Outboard Boating Club, has launched a fundraising initiative called Cans for Kai.

Here’s how it works:

  • Collection points: Drop off your aluminium cans at collection points at Westhaven Marina, the Outboard Boating Club, Orakei Marina and Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae. Your support is as simple as handing over your empty cans.
  • Recycling process: Phoenix Metalman Recycling, the recycling partner, pays Kai Ika for the collected aluminium cans. Recycling aluminium is both economically and environmentally beneficial, as it’s an infinitely recyclable resource.

To learn more about this initiative, visit the Kai Ika Cans for Kai page.