After four years in the making, the new reclamation at Westhaven Marina’s northern end is now open to the public, offering some of the best views across the Auckland Harbour.
The area includes new, larger floating berths (which are in hot demand from boaties), an extension of the popular and award-winning Westhaven Promenade boardwalk along the southern side of the reclamation, and additional car parking with landscaping.
In future years, the lawn area along the northern edge of the reclamation will be developed in partnership with mana whenua, to create a beautiful green space where people can enjoy getting close to the water.

Stage one: 2019
Stage one of the project began in 2019, with the creation of a new reclamation/headland, extending the northern end of the marina. This involved consolidating the less-utilised pile berths to make space and closing the marina's western entrance to reduce the tidal impact on boats. While the reclamation settled, 90 new floating berths were constructed.
Stage two: 2023
The second stage of the project commenced in 2023 and involved extending the Westhaven Promenade boardwalk along the southern side of the reclamation, the installation of new utility services, and the construction of a new car park featuring trees and planting. The tree pits and rain gardens utilise Strata Vault, an environmentally sound structural system made from recycled polymers, providing 14m³ of soil for trees and a dedicated stormwater treatment zone. The addition of the open green space has made this area a popular destination for marina users, locals, tourists, dog walkers, and many more.