The Pacific Islands need your unwanted sea gear!
We’re delighted to be supporting Let Them Fish in lending a hand – and fishing rod – to people in need in the Pacific Islands. Have any good diving / fishing gear that you no longer need? Simply drop it off into your local green / blue Let Them Fish collection point. From there, the team will see that the fishing supplies are sent to remote settlements and villages that rely on fishing for survival.
What’s the issue?
The Pacific Islands have been hit hard by COVID-19, with the pandemic bringing tourism income to a halt. The Let Them Fish team are supporting villages who, due to poverty and food insecurity, are having to depend on fishing to put food on the table.
How can you help?
If you have any fishing and / or diving gear that you no longer want – such as hand lines, fishing rods, spear guns, wetsuits, dive booties, masks, snorkels and fins – the Pacific Islands are the perfect destination for it. Just drop your donation off in the steel drum at either:
- The top of the Z Pier ramp in Westhaven Marina St Marys Bay.
- By the sliding door of the old Westhaven Office at 137 Westhaven Drive.
- Wettie Spearfishing & Wetsuits, 6 Arrenway Drive, Albany.
- Outboard Boating Club, 7 Tamaki Drive, Parnell.
Your generous donation will then be processed and sent off to locations such as Fiji and Tonga, where Let Them Fish have already supported over 50 families with approximately 700kg of donated gear over six shipments.
Who are Let Them Fish?
A registered Aotearoa New Zealand charity, Let Them Fish is working hard to reduce poverty in developing coastal Pacific Island communities by providing a solution to food insecurity - via the donation of fishing and diving gear.
The goal is to foster and empower a culture where sustainable fishing methods are used exclusively, to sustain the availability of fish as a food source for generations to come.
Let Them Fish is a registered New Zealand charity. The villages that we support in the Pacific Islands are dependent on subsistence fishing. Through the donation of quality diving and fishing gear such as hand lines, fishing rods/spear guns we are empowering local fishermen and women to be able to selectively harvest fish to feed their families without damaging the surrounding marine environment.
The Pacific Islands have been hit by Covid-19 in a way that no cyclone has ever done. With zero tourism for over a year, food insecurity is a serious issue in remote areas. Many locals are returning to the plantation and the ocean for sustenance. This is why sustainable utilisation of the marine environment is more crucial now than ever before.