The Kai Ika mission is to minimise impact on the marine environment through better utilisation of our natural resources. We encourage giving respect to each and every fish harvested and ensure no part of the fish is wasted.
When we strip everything back to the bare necessity food insecurity is an environmental issue.
We aim to connect New Zealanders and encourage collaboration with outside communities through the appreciation of all parts of kai moana. We hope to adjust people’s perceptions that fish heads are actually a revered food source.
The Kai Ika project provides professional filleting services at the Kai Ika filleting trailer at Z Pier at Westhaven
For more information visit https://kaiika.co.nz/
Kai Ika services continue to grow
In the heat of summer Kai Ika continues distributing fresh seafood to communities in need, supported by more staff and the Z-pier trailer now being open every day of the week (weather depending).
The Kai Ika Project is a collaboration between LegaSea, the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland and Papatūānuku Kōkiri marae distributing fish heads and frames to communities in need around Auckland.
Both commercial and recreational fishers can waste a lot of fresh fish and our main goal is to address the issue of unwanted fish parts from bycatch or filleting by utilising fish to its full potential. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has boosted us to output more fresh seafood than ever before, with unwanted fish parts leftover from filleting donated to grateful communities.
Kai Ika - Knife Sharpening
For optimal filleting results, one of the most crucial tools is a properly sharpened blade.
A sharp knife will ensure your job at hand is easier and safer. Most accidents by knives are caused by the knife slipping from where it ought to be and slicing into something it shouldn’t. A properly sharpened knife will reliably sink straight into whatever you’re slicing.
What's the best way to sharpen your knives? Let us do it with one of the World’s best commercial knife sharpeners: The Catra-i100.
Bring your filleting, bait, kitchen and/or safety knives down to our filleting trailer at Westhaven Z Pier and let us bring your dull blade back to life.
The price is $5 per knife with 100% of the proceeds raised reinvested straight back into the Kai Ika Project to help us recover more fish and feed more families.